Saturday, September 12, 2015
4:29 AM 0



Ta Prohm temple is a modern name of the temple at Ankor , Siem Riep province, Cambodia , Ta Prohm temple was built in Bayon temple style largely in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and originally called Rajavihara. 

Unlike most Ankorian temple , Ta Prohm has been left in much the some condition in which it was found ; the photogenic and atmospheric combination of trees growing out of the ruins and the jungle surroundings have made it one of Ankor's most popular temple with visitors.UNISCO inscribed Ta Prohm temple on the world Heritage list in 1992 . it is one of the most visited complexes in Cambodia's Ankor region.

Ta Prohm temple located approximately one kilometer east of Ankor Thom and on the southern edge of the east Baray, it was founded by the Khmer King Jayavarman VII was  as a Mahayana Buddhist monastery and university..

In 1186 A.D Jayavarman VII embarked on a massive program of construction and public works. Rajavihara ( monastery of the kink ) today known as Ta Prohm ( ancestor Brahma ) was one of the first temples founded pursuant to the program . the stale commemorating the foundation gives a date of 1186 A.D .

Jayavarman VII constructed Rajavihara in honer of his family . The temple's main image, representing  Prajnaparamita, the personification of wisdom was modeled on the king's mother . the northern and southern satellite temples in the third enclosure were dedicated to the king's guru and his elder brother respectively. as such, Ta Prohm formed a complementary pair with the temple monastery of Preah Khan, dedicated in 1191 A.D , The main image of which represented the Buddhisattva of compassion Lokesvara.


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