Monday, November 23, 2015
4:45 AM 0

Abu Sayyaf militants ISIS structure in the Philippines?

Abu Sayyaf militants ISIS structure in the Philippines?

Abu Sayyaf militants ISIS structure in the Philippines? ... Abu Sayyaf group who are you? Islamic extremist Abu Sayyaf have been born during the 1990s, resulting from Islamic insurgents 120 000 people living south of the country since the early 1970s. Islamic groups, these have been living in the jungle on the island of remote Jolo and the island of Basilan without having to manage precise and they always use the boat fast to catch people hostage, especially tourists Western and missionary Christianity in various places in the southern Philippines. What is the agenda of the Islamic groups? Abu Sayyaf Islamist group calling themselves as rescuers Muslim communities in Mindanao by the group's leader, last year announced ISIS allied with the Islamic state, which is occupied mostly along the border with Syria and Iraq. The United States and the Islamic group in its list of terrorist organizations. Philippine military and security experts analyzed showed that the group's ideology is hostage for ransom in order to support their team. Why this is increasingly a threat? From 2002 to 2014, 500 US troops have provided training on how intelligence to Philippine troops to hunt senior leaders of the Abu Sayyaf group. Last year, the US has reduced its experts from the Philippines by the United States considers that the Abu Sayyaf group could not afford enough internationally on a large scale. According to Philippine military officials of the group's militants has decreased from 1,000 to 300. As for their living, they can go out on the island of Jolo and Basilan, they get support from the local Muslim community. But these Islamic groups are attracting more members and purchased weapons with money from kidnappings and drug trafficking. Is this harmful? European countries and several embassies in the Philippines are often issued a warning to its citizens to avoid traveling where there is a Muslim community living, especially in the northern Philippines who may be at risk of abduction by the Abu Sayyaf group. Recently abducting two Canadian tourists and resort owners, a Norwegian. If look at the event in 2004, launched an attack in Manila with exclusive 100 lives, Philippines, regarded as one of its worst attacks. Whether there will be a peace agreement between the Philippine government? Philippine President Benigno Aquion last year signed a peace agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the largest guerrilla group also to help make closing a young Muslim youth group. The agreement with the Abu Sayyaf group has not made any yet.

ISIS has declared himself the king Halifax represents Muhammad led the Islamic world ion

Asia Without Borders between Syria and Iraq anymore! Only unification Islamic territories all over the Islamic world under a single flag is the Islamic state! Via voice broadcast system, Internet connection rebels Islamic extremist jihadists "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL / ISIS) announced the establishment of political Islam California Arafat and called on you to respect Islam all follow the new commander Abu broken Alba paper discs (Abou Baker al Baghdadi) of the movement ISIS who call themselves the king of Canaan Halifax representative of the high biomass determined to lead the Muslim world.
July 2014
The head of the Islamic state declared himself the king Halifax instructed the Muslims to respect him. Mr. Abu broken Alba paper, who wear the traditional black, said I was the suitcase (leader) who was appointed to lead you though, I'm not better than you, and if you think I'm saying is please help me if think I'm wrong, please help guide me and help me on track as well. He goes on to say that you respect me as your God.
Fan State?
They jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL / ISIS), which is working fighting in Syria and Iraq, announced the establishment of political Islam California Fan who lost long ago, and resurrected and renamed their organization into an Islamic state.
California Fan will stretch from the city Aleppo, northern Syria, reaching the eastern Iraqi area Diyala through cover took the western and southwestern Iraq namely territories rebels jihadists Syria and the Levant have been fighting for from the Iraqi government in just two weeks in the offensive, a large on June 9, including the areas they controlled in Syria, or say that the other is for the Islamic state no longer exists, and the border Khan into Syria and Iraq.
In Halifax, the dream of all people and the Islamic Jihad's will. With the announcement of creating an Islamic state California Fan this Jihad has brakaukabrakeas called group of Islamic all, whether in the area East of Asia in Europe, but to draw pictures together into battle against the enemy, which is none other than democracy, irrespective of religious nationalism and garbage of skhoe World among others. If we as spokesman for use in the evening.
Who is the new leader of the Islamic State?
Territorial domain, political Canaan Halifax will be managed, led by the main rebel Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (rebel Islamic extremist jihadists ISIS) named Abu broken Alba paper discs California, which from now on for the eyes activist Islam is the king, Islam as a representative of the prophet Mohammed in the exercise led political leaders or, for short, is leader of the Islamic world as a whole. Embedded strange man born in 1971, according to sources, Washington was pronounced dead again in 2005 before appearing again in the network of al-Qaeda in 2010. Commander Tak less direct and in one battle, unlike previous Sperm Hat.
Halifax? The regime has a history before?
Halifax leader Islam can be called the king or California (calife / caliphate) was appointed after the death of the prophet Ho Meng. Caesar Islamic California four first be appointed no successor to continue the prophet uncle Ho parent and celebrities have power noise, loud in between the years 661 to 1517 were previously dissolved gone with the collapse of the empire of the Ottoman in 1924.
The announcement created fascist regime by rebels extremist Islamic Jihad in Iraq and the Levant ISIS is like is to review the boundary line. Border region is now wrote After the dissolution Ottoman Empire highlighted flu Iraq from Syria, a particularly egregious example. Border framework charts the work of the European powers, but now the Islamic state would not recognize and that can not be taken into account.
What is the consequence of the declaration of state of Arafat?
This is a dangerous extremist threat! We can say that the announcement of creation of Islamic state is to celebrate the military victory extremist Islamic insurgents in Iraq and the Levant to be done fast as lightning. With the capture key cities in Iraq and resist forces in Syria ISIS or Islamic state wants to show its influence and want other jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda into a single group. For three reasons: extended territorial control of military and financial power, and on the field of ideology is to create a symbol Halifax. Political principles restore law Charia Islamic law.

According to some researchers regime Halifax announcement is a significant development within the Islamic extremist international jihadists from the terrorism of Sept. 11, 2001. Every network or Islamic extremist groups close to al Qaeda and the jihadist movement must make decisions independent Islamic state support or opposition. This can be considered jihadist open a new era international level, but also can be a dangerous problem for the al-Qaida movement and a leader in this movement. This is another issue, analysts reckon that create an Islamic state declaration Halifax is like advertising attracted Islamic fighters from all over the world, from Morocco to Indonesia or Europe to defend the Islamic world. The world who are suffering the Iraqi army's fightback from the bombing of the Syrian military forces. Is really romantic and calls for combat forces struggle against the enemies of Islam.
Friday, November 13, 2015
5:11 PM 0



Heritage of the ancient road linking the Angkor empire to Thailand today .... Ancient road network linking the Angkor Empire (now Thailand), a distance of 250 km. Cambodian and Thai researchers have spent more than 10 years to study online this important ancient road, which has been used since ancient up against the current. Through joint research between Thailand and Cambodia over an ancient road network has a lot of information is recorded, such as customs community hospital pavilions rong_ussaahakam classical station and hundreds of other places.

 In particular, a large number of heritage intangible heritage are people who live in communities along the ancient road continue until the current operator. Road connection from Angkor towards Government mother (now Thailand) as a line length of over 250 km through 5 provinces in that province, Cambodia's two provinces, Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey and provincial Thailand's number 3 is Surin Singapore Phearum and Nakhon Ratchasima. Along the way in the country, a bridge made of sandstone and laterite road 32, located in Thailand is currently no bridge. Among bridge those bridges longest is bridge the army, which with a length of 150 meters and a width of 15 meters, the bridge went along 100 meters and a width of 15 meters and bridges other small length similar from 4 meters to 7 meters, such as bridges, terrace bridge South Bridge winnowing bridge young and bridges widows and so forth. Source Apsara Authority.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015
4:53 AM 0



Speaking generally about the communist party or the Democratic Kampuchea was much less known. But if talk about the Khmer Rouge, who is also known Khmer abroad. The leaders of Democratic Kampuchea, not self-confess that the Khmer Rouge. So Rouge name come from?
Rouge is the name that is used generally refers to a group of Communist Khmer movement led by Pol Pot, is the Communist Party of Kampuchea. Rouge was first established by King Norodom Sihanouk.
During the late 50 Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, who is head of social movements lawmakers have separate Khmer three colors according to political affiliation, their Khmer enemy is referring on Khmer royalist Khmer blue, Khmer anak_satharonarodthaniyom and Rouge are Khmer kommouynist_niyom. But at first, the term was used by the Khmer Rouge refer to leftist social movement in his own wing lawmaker. Please recall that when the communist Khmer still an important political force. Communist Khmer like Khieu Samphan, Hu Nim and Hou yuan in social movements and popular lawmaker also be Samdech Norodom Sihanouk appointed to key positions in the government.
According to the French Foreign Ministry's documents between 1960 and 1962, the Khmer Rouge was occasionally used instead khmervietminh they were referring to the Communist Khmer separated from the Communist Party of Indochina.
According to Raoul JENNAR author of the book, entitled Les Clés du Cambodge, on 18 November 1966, just name the Khmer Rouge were Samdech Norodom Sihanouk used by referring clearly very movements communist Khmer generally, both within and outside the social lawmaker popular.

Samdech Norodom Sihanouk painted red Khmer Communist movement because red is the color representing the flags of the Communist revolution. Words for the Cambodian people, red is the color representing the bloodshed.
But the Khmer Rouge leaders never accept Rouge. Generally, the Khmer Rouge do not like using that Khmer. They are often used instead.
Leaders of Democratic Kampuchea Khmer Rouge do not recognize themselves as the Samdech Norodom Sihanouk launched, but they openly claimed that their revolution is a revolution scarlet.
Red is the color of the flag of the Democratic Kampuchea. And in the regime's national anthem also has raised many of the red color represents the revolution and represents the blood that flows in this revolution.
According to Ben Kiernan in the book titled Le Génocide au Cambodge Pol raised about creating a purely government red after Samdech Norodom Sihanouk resigned as head of state in April 1976.
And, according to the document's press BBC on 14 May 1978, radio's Democratic Kampuchea government has released about the commitment to continue its revolutionary and that will keep the revolutions in red always not let anyone come to change the color of that.
In short, leaders of the Democratic Kampuchea Khmer Rouge refused to name announced openly acknowledge that their revolutionary red and even intransigent commitment to maintain their revolutionary color red always sustained. Red is the color represents the ideology of the Democratic Kampuchea.

Thursday, October 22, 2015
7:18 AM 0

Anchor gold crown or hair found in Taprom Temple

Anchor gold crown or hair found in Taprom Temple

Anchor gold crown or a classic gold hair pieces Indian team was renovated temple encountered accidentally buried in the soil under the rock temple a large orchestra, on 19 March 2012. These precious objects are studied and wash your technical artifact conservation.On the occasion of the Royal Festival Festival Festival in 2012 Apsara Authority also organized exhibition at the funeral site of Phnom Penh, and the image of the crown or Anchor the hair has also exhibited the King saw government leaders, as well as the general public visited as well.

Previously, rumors surfaced on the social network spreading crown Anchor or classic hair of gold is in sales, and the social network also outspoken critics on this matter as well.In response to the information published on this Apsara Authority has confirmed that the gold crown Anchor or hair that is Apsara Authority, a store does not have sales. Anchor crown of gold or precious hair is kept current by the Apsara Authority where the safest.Anchor the hair belonged to the daughter or wife of the king whose reign there objects can aged over 500 years because it has been more than Anchor the other thee of this and sold it can and has the gravest, because they were once before and clean release their death they prophecy who want their.

Friday, October 16, 2015
8:53 AM 0

Chinese envoy Zhou Daguan writing about Cambodia Angkor

Chinese envoy Zhou Daguan writing about Cambodia Angkor

The account of the Chinese envoy Zhou Daguan writing about Cambodia Angkor end of the 13th century (from the previous episode)

The account of the Chinese envoy named Zhou Daguan, who describes the tradition of local residents during his stay in Cambodia in 1296-1297 is a document detailing the most recent period and documents that can help us to know about the everyday life of the people, Khmer and various aspects at Angkor.
The account has been Paul peaches mm Jonathan Salt (Paul Pelliot) translated into French out of the Chinese text and published first in the event portfolio of the French language in the Far East Bulletin de l 'école Francaise d' Extrème-Orient (BEFEO) in 1902 and later when he peaches mm Zion site died, Jean A. Lucero Bangladesh (George Cœdès) took the work has both comment further conversion as well to print united as a book in 1951. He peaches mm Zion site specified in the preface that he had tried to translate the study found documents of biological Daguan that has Jean - Pierre Alexandre Belgium - Ray sedition site (Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat) turned broadcast repeatedly from 1819, but not yet complete.
Then in 1971, Mr. Zhou's account Kuan Lee Teng military Khmer Translation completed and published in 1973. Who translated this log sheet is less than 40, and is divided into 40 chapters. Among some of these chapters have some single sheet that it was said about King Court vegetable farm birds vaccinated routinely dry slaves.. Mr Zhou Daguan mentioned several important points about the lives of 13th-century Khmer people such as clothing, toys, animals and rural sales, which still exist today. For example, a point in writing about slaves legal procedures biological Daguan described:
"They are buying forest (1) to be forced to be slaves. Those who are slaves to more than a hundred people at least 10-20 people, except for the very poor to none. While those wild people living in mountainous line called prevent Thong (2) (over?). Where they come and are not afraid to walk outside. Locals argued vulgar Thong, they were very angry because as a serious contempt. Children have a full-price sales force hundreds tonic (3) If the old weak force only 30 or 40, "he said.
1 = anakasrok_daem forest inhabited by wild civilized not get carried sales
2 = pesos employers also conclude that this word over and claimed to read the voice of China in the 13th century.
3 = extra pesos political means D'étoffe not know a limited few, but we turned that word means kamnatsaampt tonic.
"They were still under unless necessary and then allowed to go up on houses and Luxembourg clasped their knees and then be able to walk home. Pakistan called them, Thomas (1) call. If a mistake was beaten willing chrobmoukh aliens that they should not dare to rise. - They take each other as husband-wife has no right to take matters. If they are in China to steal long intercourse with their female sexual thirst and yet you let them sit with Israel and because secretly harboring. These harboring secretly pregnant with outsiders until his son also masters without any reason. They do not ask because they understand that harboring hatred, when children come to them later because they will grow up harboring. Harboring escape and recapture be tattooed middle blue forehead and dakkhneang stick sometimes dakkhneang both hands. "
1 = likely the rest from Pattaya ethnic Jarai language called osteoporosis. Chinese voice to call his mother.

Friday, September 18, 2015
3:39 AM 0




The Kbal Spean is a great historic resort is located in the south-west of Phnom Kulen and northeast of Siem Reap town is located about 50 kilometers from Siem Reap town and about 18 kilometers from the Bontay Srey temple.
Spean resort is situated on a mountain height is not much higher, but here are full of statues on the bumpy stone and rock on the bottom of streams (streams). This is the source of the river streams or bamboo. The bamboo river flowing down far into the Siem Reap River and the river. To reach the location, we have to walk on foot hiking takes time for about an hour.
Spean great architectural legacy handiwork Deluxe former King Angkorian Khmer stone sculpture penis-rich embedded style superstition refers to various deities and animals. Something special is that all the sculptures are carved on the bottom and the banks of the river, which can be seen from the clear water. These sculptures Spean stretches along river.
Spean or place is known as the Valley of the penis billion because of all the great sculpture penis a thousand sculptures stand out by being carved in the Kishon River and around Spean. Sculpture above, most have been confirmed built in between the 11th century reign of King Suryavarman 1, under the help of officials under FDA supervision, one of his reconstruction and have already completed the days uty Suryavarman 2 in the 13th century, but also claims that the region has been worshiped already, that is, since prehistory and modern Pre-Angkor.

Because they understand that the water that flows here as a source of prosperity and cold, and the other to be used in agriculture countless carved penis successor Statue north along the Kishon from the upper section of the bridge until natural waterfalls. So the inscriptions Sanskrit, called here for penis 1. In addition, see the image to the vagina as well as steadfastly throne sculptures are scattered in the Kishon length of approximately 200 meters along the shore and on the wall a little. In addition, there are many sculptures in a jurisdiction that has preahneareay central pile antorokab Ocean Brahma emerged from a pink navel preahneareay contact to create a new one.
Water moves through posters and charming sculpture sculpture from all this that creates a stream and broke Spurs bamboo river and Siem Reap River.

In short, the water that flows sevling and above all the ancient sculpture ancient Khmer people considered prodigious ineffectual because they are God's blessing by blessing them, that is, the sacred has become purified. Means the water that falls on the river where people go diving or soak at the bottom that has become magical water ineffectual.

Saturday, September 12, 2015
10:53 PM 0

Mekong River


The Mekong river has a total longitudinal length of 4800 kilometers. the waters originating in China country,but in face of the Mekong waters is not in China, and truly the most of waters is in lower Mekong.

According to a document was compiled by Mr Vath Butkosal that he is a general of the committee of the cambodian national Mekong,he was said that the entire of Mekong river flows annual total approximately 475000 cubic meters of the waters more then they are flows from Lois country,which is around 35 percent flows frome Thailand country and Cambodia ,which would guarantee this river flows of about 18 percent while China is only 16 percent and for Myanmar is only 2 percent.

According to the same document that the entire Mekong Basin has been divided into two main is uper Mekong river Basin over a total surface  forestry 189000 square kilometers in china, about 165000 square kilometers for the lower Mekong river basin in an area of approximately 596000 square kilometers,the Laos country is an area of approximately about 202000 square kilometers , Thailand occupies approximately 184000 square kilometers of the country,for cambodia is has 155000 square kilometers,for the vietnam is only 65000 square kilometers.
The same sources said the that along the entire Mekong basin region with high economic potential is in the lower Mekong basin whose an estimated 60 million peoples.

The top sources was said the significant potential of this river is the main source of economic, social, cultural, and environmental activities, that support agriculture, transport, aquaculture tourism and water source for use.
the currently, another potential countries in the lower Mekong basin is unclear dam study there are up to 53000 megawatts,but however, whatever the potential is suspected may affect other potential, especially economic, social and environmental activities.
the Mekong river flows across cambodia about 5000 kilometers. and very importain for all the poelpes that lived along the river.and have alot category of fishs,the poeples can fishing, the waters importain for the famers to make the farm and cultivation the rices, especially, the lower Mekong river has the fishrich water sources and a huge ecosystem in Asia.

See newly hatched baby's death rate
High levels through the end of the civil from the other animals in the
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Fisheries and Conservation International national
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New pool, and then we're going to add up
200 in 2011.
Day fast future plan will arrange Center
A transparent price put you stantial tourism cautions outlook outlook leach
Contribute to conservation through the budget
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To the citizens in the region and all tourism
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Flooding children. For the receiving budget
From philosophy to supply the defense team
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100 column pagoda for other construction.

6:42 PM 0

Samut Riam and Sihaknouk park


The park of Sihaknouk province is has located in between the island and new ville ,it is located about 18 km from Sihaknoukville, the was opened 1993 , which has an areas of 21000 hectares ,but of which there are 15000 hectares is are dry-lands of the sea,and 6000  hectares are water surfaces of sea.

This national park has very beautiful of coastline and the road along the mountainous there are mangroves and many kind of birds, and there are lots of forests big trees and stones so. and beautiful beaches , such as sled of island and bamboo, as well as for accommodation and food services for boat travel as well.

The Riam sea is located about 30 kilometers from Sihaknouk-ville,and there are many services tourist as well as the beautiful of the beaches that unforgettable. in addition, there is a place for recreation and boat trip the island, such as Tarkeav island , Bamboo-island,  Ant-island and there are other lots of islands which have very beautiful.and has the beaches so attractively,and the tourists can see carols and should enjoy scenery as well. 

The Riam sea location is a place for train the army that live there to protect the national's territorial waters. currently, there are many troops who helped especially the young generation, the future to help protect the country's territory for khmer.

8:18 AM 0



The church pillars 100 is near of the Mekong river at the east side of  the Sambo commune, Sambo district, Kratie province.the pagoda was built on the ruins of place " Sakmakas Gopuras" generation of Chenla. cathedral last generation first called " Pres vihea thom" because in the temple have statues one of largest in the territory in Kratie province whole. according to the tales handed down in district that god legged god statues has a length of about 3 meters and turned his face looking to the stupas Vakras Peak princess that located in the north straight cathedral.

The column 100 pagoda was built by the handiwork of king Angchan Reachea 2 ( AD 1806 to 1839 )which he has called the ordered built to dedicated let arm cathedral help souls's Vakrak Peak that is only his daughter. 100 column pagoda period in Angchan Reachea 2 length 30 mm * 10 mm capacity of 100 pillars placed on a platform that more then 1  meter  tall building is oriented to the north.

Some matures was told that simultaneously enormous temple before 100 pillars, each pit vertical spread are deposited by 100 virgin girls, before this column up his royal rituals called " sacrifice "dedicated to the owner of the land there. this ceremony they was toked the young virgin 100 lawmakers jewrlry neatly wearing beads their hands, ankle and sit facing towards the pit 100 by close the mouth of the pit of your hands up more unite shrine at executioner 100 killers standing behind hand hold the sharp vigilance to listen signal forces victory that group, they all carefully remember listening to those mark carefully to hear the signal management loud every three times executioner cut the heads of her and pushed through into the pit of columns 100 in order to provide them in the care of the pillars 100 each person as an immortal.

4:41 AM 0



The Khos Ker site is dominated  by Prasat Thom. it has a 30 mater tall temple mountain raising high above the plain and the surrounding forest.Great view await the visitorat the end of an adventurous climb.Garuda carved into the stone blocks,still guard the very top,although they are partially covered now.across the site of Khos Ker there are many Prasat or tower sanctuaries.a couple still feature an enormous Linga  and Uni that provides space for several people.the outlet for the water that was sanctified by running it over the Linga can be seen in the outside wall of one of them.In the other cases,three Prasa stand next to each other,dedicated to Brama,Shiva and Vishnu.most of them are surrounded by libraries and enclosures,many also had that time,the roofs were still made of wood.

The site is  still 3 hours away from Siem Reap province.the area has been demined only recently and basic visitor facilities are just being built.This makes Khos ker very attractive for anyone would like to experience lonely temple partially overgrown by the forest and inhabited only by birds,calling to each other from the trees above. Khos ke is not the easiest temple to get to as involves an early start and along journey to get there from anywhere.The site is about 100km north of Siem Reap and the road.There are no publish transport or tourist facilities,other then makeshift table near the police camp at the entrance to Prasat Thom.  

The Khos ker is an Ankorian site in northern in cambodia .and it has 100km northeast of Ankor itself,it was briefly the capital of khmer empire between 938 and 944 under king Jayavarman IV and his son Hasanvarman II.after the khmer empire had been established in Ankor area ,Jayavarman IV was moved the capital in 928 almost 100km northeast to Khos ker. here are was vast number of temple were built under this reign,until his successor returned to Ankor area about twenty year later.
the Koh ker temple site is dominated by Prasat Thom, a 30 meters tall temple mountain raising high above the plain and the surrounding forest. great views await the visitors at the end of an adventurous climb. Garudo,carved into the stone blocks, still covered now. Across the site of Koh Ke temple there are many Prasat or tower sanctuaries. a couple still feature and enormous linga on a yoni that provides space for several people. the outlet for the water that was sanctified by running it over the linga can be seen in the uotside wall of one of them. in other cases,three prasat stand next to each other, deicated to Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. most of them are surrounded by libraries and encloseure, many also had maots. at that time, the roofs were still made of only holes for the beams remain in the stone structures.
the site is still 3 hoursa way from Siem reap. the area has been demined only recntly and basic visitors facilities are just being built. this makes koh ker very attractive for any one who would like to experience lonely temple partially overgrown by forest and inhabited only by birds,calling to each other from the trees above.koh ker temple is not easiest temple to get to as involves an early start  and a long journey to get there from anywhere.the site is about 100km north of Siem Reap province and the raod ,repaired in 2004 , is in decent condition (by cambodian standards). there are no public transport or tourist facilities,other than makeshift tables near the police canp at the entrance to Prasat Thom.

4:38 AM 0



The Bayon temple was built by the King Jayavarman VII  in the late 12th and early 13th .the Bayon stands at the center of Jayavarman 's was modified by later Hindo and Theravanda Buddhist kink in accordance with their own religious preferences.

The Bayon was the last state temple to be built at Ankor, and the only Ankorian state temple to be built primarily as a Mayana Buddhist shrine dedicated  to the Buddha,though a great number of miner and local deities were also encompassed as representatives of the various  districts and cities of the realm.
The Bayon's most distinctive feature is the multitude of serene and massive stone faces on the many towers  which just out  from the upper terrace and cluster around its central peak.the temple is known also for two impressive sets of bas-reliefs ,which present an unusual combination of mythological,historical,and mundane.

Since the time Jayavarman VII,the Bayon has suffered numerous addition and alteration at the hands of subsequent monarchs.During the reign Jayavarman VII in the mid-13th century,the khmer empire reverted to Hinddusm and its state temple was altered later centuries,Thervada Buddhism became the dominant religion,leading to still further changes,to the jungle.current features which were not part of original plan include the terrace to the east of temple.

The Bayon temple was built to dedicated Bodhisatta Lokeshvarak that has four faces evidence in the Mahayana Buddhist doctrine. in 1933, Mr Jean Truve   3rd conservation of Ankor in Siem Reap during the 1931 excavation center central temple (big) depth of 14 meters to the ground level plain of the teple land from abroad to study Kenny textiles in Buddha found a broken and has height 3 meters and 60 mm and it is permanently fixed and was gave to the King Sisowath Monivong on 17 may 1935.and was put them in the teple seven apartments along the road to the gate at the south airport that behind the road of Prasat Suor securities.
The temples was built to dedicated the Buddha, they called Peeahputhchey or Puth Marha Neat, its means that simultaneously Buddhist king Jayavrman 7 represents. Overall, the big 4 faces that is located on the top of the temple in the central tower or towers from worship Buddhists Neat is really representing to Lokeshvarak. he is smiles of charm oriented findings  seem to want to wait for hospitality as well as smile beauty are happy to appreciate how marvelous the genius of the architect and of our ancestors,as well.

In the firstof the 20th century,the Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient took the loud in the conservation of the temple,restoring it in accordance with technique of anastylosis. since 1995 the Japan government team for the safeguarding of Ankor(the JSA) has been the main conservatory body,and has held annualsymposia.

4:36 AM 0



The Preah vihea temple affording a view for many kilometers across a plain,Preah vihea temple the most spectacular setting of all the temple built during the six-centuries-long khmer a key edifice of the empire's spiritual life,it was supported and modified by successive kinks and so bears element of several architectural style.
The Preah vihea temple give its name to cambodai's Preah vihea province ,in which it is now located,as well as Khao Phra  Wihan national park which border it in Thailand's Sisaket province and through which the temple is most easily accessible,and on july ,2008,Preah vihea temple was listed as UNESCO world Heritage Site.
Construction of the first temple on the site  began in the early  9th century ,both then and in Hindu god Shiva in his manifestation as the mountain gods Sikharesvara Bhadresvara.

The earliest surviving part of the temple,however,date from Koh Ker temple period in the early 10th century,when the empire's capital was at the city of the name.
The temple complex run 800 mater  along a north-south axis facing the plains  to the north,from which it is now cut off by the international border.
In consists essentially  of causeway and steps rising up the hill towards the sanctuary ,which sits on the  clifftop  at the southern end of the complex 120 mater  above the northern end of the complex 525 mater  above the cambodian plain and 625 mater above sea  level.
Although this structure is very different  from the temple mountains found at Ankor ,it serves the same purpose as a styles representation of Mount Meru,the home of the gods.


Mr, Sok Khin, he is a professor  teacher of history. currently he teached the history of Khmer, Thai, Loas, and Myanmar at the national institute E-nalko in Paris of France, he was said that, when the khmer king start construction Vihea temple in Preah Vihea provinceof the land of the kingdom of cambodia in the ansient era that is not there Siam or Thailand come from located in thailand today yet.
especially, in the session of old,the cambodia has the lands very larges and in the western extending from preah vihea province pass the thailand today and next to the myanmar. the northern, part is strecth, including today's city of Chiang Mai province of thailand.the siam or thailand until the end of the 13th century have just come down. so the khmer peoples was built the castle on the hill temple,this is the land of khmer.khmer want to do, having turned to the only place where they follow the location of the mountain.

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Ak Yom temple is located in the south of western Baray, approximately  as kilometre before the western end .
Ak Yum temple is the earliest known temple mountain architectural design. inscriptions indicate that a temple dedicated to the it located in the southern of western Baray. Ak Yum is regarded as a oldest Ankor ruin in the area. During the construction of the west Baray,which is located immediately to the north of it,part of Ak Yum was built is not certain which khmer king was built this monument.Ak Yum were re-used during the reign of Jayavarman I.similarly,the ruins as visible today was built over the original structure..
This temple,a little to way of the major monuments of Ankor is not of great interest for a tourist,but is archaeologically very important. inscription indicate the first construction to this temple in 609,which makes of him the oldest pre-Ankorian vesting found at  this that. it was located on the road first Ankor and was partially buried during the construction of Phnom Bakheng,

This temple is also the first prototype of mountain temple,concept largely included thereafter in the various Ankorian construction. because of its stranding, the release of Ak Yum was considerable work,it was even necessary to dynamite part of dam to discover it completely .

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The cambodian communist movement emerged from the against French colonization in 1940s .in April 1950, during the first indochina war2,delegat assembled in Khom Pot province and formed the communist-led Unified Issarak  front, nkown as the khmer Issarak. This group  cooperated with Vietnam in struggling against the French.
The front was led by Son Ngoc Minh (A-char Mien) he was a lay official at Unnalaom pagoda.was the front's deputy and Sieu Heng was its secretary.Almost all of the front members were Cambodians who spoke Vietnamese. some of the became members of Indochinese communist Party (icp), which was created in Vietnam Most of the front new members were peasants drawn to the revolutionary cause.
some of these students would later become leaders of the communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) The included Saloth Sar (Pol Pot), Son sen, Khieu Samphan and Leng Sary. These man saw peasant and poor people throughout the world as enslaved and repressed by capitalism and feudalism. they throught a Marxist-Leninist revolution was the only way Cambodia could attain independence and social equality.

In 1951,as fighting against and French intensified in Indochina,the vietnamese communist guided formation of khmer poeple's revolutionary party. The members of its secret Central Committee were:

        . Son Ngoc Minh held the top position
        . Sieu Heng was in charge of military affairs 
        . Tou Samouth (also known as A-char Sok,a former buddhist  monk from Kampuchea              Krom ) took charge of ideological training.
        .Chan Samay was in charge of economic matters.

When the first Indochina war ended in 1954,French forces withdrew from Indochina and Viet Minh combatants withdrew from cambodia.However some Vietnamese military personnel and advisors remained in cambodia. Concerned about the revolution's security when the political system changed,Sieu Heng,Chan Samay and over a thousand KPRP cadres and activists fled to Vietnam,where they joined Son Mgoc Minh and other who had gone there earlier.
Sieu Heng soon returned to cambodia accompanied by Nuon Chea (a members of the IPC who had been trained in Thailand and Vietnam) and other senior cadres. With the party's leader Son Ngoc Minh in Hanoi,the KPRP was run by temporary Central committee.Sieu Heng was secretary and Tou Samouth was his deputy. Noun chea ranked number three and So phim (who become chief of the east Zone during democratic Kampuchea)was the fourth member.The management of the party was in the hands of Vietnamese cadre,Phan Vn Ba,who live in cambodia and claimed that Vietnam should continue to control cambombodia communist movement.

Tou Samout took charge of the organization's activities in Urban areas,assisted by Noun Chea and Salot Sar,who had recently returned from studying in France.the communist in Phnom Penh used Pol Pot as their link to establish a legal party called the people's party this party contested the 1955 national election promised by the Geneva Agreement .it was chaired by Keo Meas, protege of Tou Samouth.

Pol Pot helped to formulate the party statutes and political program. he also made connection with the  democrat party,which would compete with prince Sihaknouk's newly established Sangkum Reastr Niyum (the people's socialist community party)in the 1955 election.PolPot believed that the democratic,who had anti-feu dalist and ant-capitalist tendencies ,would win election and give the communist some political influence.

However,Pol Pot miscalculated badly. the Sangkum Reastr Niyum won all the seats in the national Assembly,while the people's party won only 3%.Sieu Heng soon came to believes that the communist cause in cambodia was hopeless,for early everyone strongly supported by prince Sihaknouk's political program rather then idea of revolution.moreover,some Issrak's movement gave up their resistance and joined with prince Sihaknouk's government.

In 1956,Sieu Heng secretly contacted the prince's Army Chief of staff Lon Nol,who offered him guarantees of safety. In 1959, Sieu Heng defected to the Sihaknouk's government, enabling authorities to pinpoint and arrest many clandestine KPRP cadres.According to Pol  Pot,from 1955 to 1959,about 90% of the KPRP's members were arrested and kill. by the beginning of 1996,only about 800 cadres remained active and only 2 rural party branches were still functioning fully.

         .The east zone with its base in Kamphong cham province (led by So Phim)
         .The southwest zone its base in Takao province (chaired by Chhit Choeun alias Ta                 Mok).

Tou Samoth and Noun Chea continued to run the party activities in Phnom Penh,with assistance from Leng Sary and Son Sen,two other intellectuals educated in France.


The secret KPRK congress was held on the grounds of Phnom penh railroad station on september 28-30, was attended by seven members from the organization's urban branches and fourteen from its rural branches.the congress reorganized the party,set up a new political line,and changed its name to the worker's party of Kampuchea (wpk). Tou Samout became its secretary and Noun Chea its deputy secretary .Pol Pot ranked number three at the time.and became second deputy secretary in 1961.

After Tou Samouth disappeared in 1962,the party held an emergency congress in february 1963. it elected Pol Pot as secretary .Noun Chea,who had a higher position in the party,was not chosen as secretary because he was related by marriage to the defector Sieu Heng , Noun Chea , moreover,was loyal communist who wanted the WPK to be strong,so he don't completed with Pol Pot for the position.He remained deputy secretary and a powerful figure in the communist movement for over thirty years.

Soon after being named party secretary , Pol Pot took refuge at a Vietnamese military base in northeast part of the country call  "Office 100".In 1965,He walked up the Ho Chi Minh Trail to Hanoi for talks with the north Vietnamese,he also visited  China and North Korea. Pol Pot was treated more cordially in China then in Vietnam and resented the idea that his party had to continue to be subservient to Vietnam.


In septeber 1966, after coming home,Pol Pot changed the party's name to the communist party of Kampuchea (CPK) because he wanted to lessen Vietnamese influence and strengthen relation with china.the central committee at this time consisted of Pol Pot.Noun Chea ,Leng Sary ,Vorn Vet (a former teacher at Chorouen Vichea high school in Phnom penh) and Son Sen.

during the late 1960s,the CPK (whom prince Sihanouk had dubbed the khmer Rouge) gained more new members ,many of them lived along the Vietnamese border in remote areas out of the each of the prince's armed forces,the party headquarters from 1966 to 1970 was in Ratanakiri province.

In march 1970 marshal LonNol and his pro-american associates staged a succesful coup to depose prince Sihanouk as head of state.soon after the Viet Minh and khmer Rouge gained control over much of the country.Ten of thousand of people refused to support the American backed government -Lon Nol's khmer republic and joined the khmer Rouge to help restore  prince Sihanouk to power. at this time prince Sihanouk went in to exile in china.with the encouragement and support of china, north Vietnam and the CPK he formed a national United front Kampuchea and a government in exile called the Royal Government of the national Union of Kampuchea.members of CPK were member of this government.

these development created opportunities for the khmer Rouge.North Vietnam and china supported them,and princes Sihanouk appealed to the Cambodian people to run into marquis (forest) to help overthrow the Lon Nol government and the heavy bombing of communist supply lines and base khmer republic government ,assistance from the US, created more support for the khmer Rouge ,who armed forces were increasing in number.

Vietnamese communist forces moved deep into cambodia in 1970 and work with the khmer Rouge to recrut and train soldiers for insurgent army,which grew from about 3000 soldiers in 1970 to over 400000 in 1973.the vietnamese withdrew from cambodia and turned the major responsibilities for the war over to the CPK,Although several thousand vietnamese remained behind as technical advisors .

from january to August 1973, the khmer republic government, with assistance from US, dropped about half a million tone of bombs on cambodia.which may have kill as 300000 peoples.bombing postponed  the khmer Rouge victory ,while many who resented the bombings or had lost family members joined their revolution.

Khmer Rouge soldiers were more active and diciplined then those of the khmer republic government,and they were able to withstand shortages of food and medicine.Moreover, some " Khmer-Hanoi" returned to cambodia to assist the khmer Rouge these man and woman were given junior position through the country ,but by 1973 after most of the vietnamese advisore had returned home,they were secretly assassinated under order from the CPK leadership,who wanted the party to be free of vietnamese influence.
by early 1973 about 85% of cambodian territory was in the hand of the khmer Rouge, and the Lon Nol army was almost unable to go on the offensive .However,with US was able to continue fighting the khmer Rouge for two more years.


In Jannuary  1975  , The khmer Rouge who have occupied the region of Ankor since 1971  are beginning their war march toward Phnom Penh the capital of cambodia. 
In February 1975 the victory of the Khmer Rouges in  the Khom Pong Thom province and Khom Pong Cham province,between the road of Siem Reap-Ankor to Phnom Penh. 
Khiev Samphan, vice- prime minister and minister de la defence  national Khmer Rouge. 
In march 1975 , the Khmer Rouges have other victories. The river connection between Phnom Penh and south Vietnam has been cut off. The ships sailing under the Khmer Republic's or its allies flags have been sunken and burned.

The first  week of  April 1975 , Armies of Khmer Rouge, including women fighting in their ranks , are progressing irresistibly toward Phnom Penh. The leaders of Pol Pot's Saloth Sar , Keiv Samphon , and Noun Chea, are control to fighting.A khmer rouge surgical operation in the middle of the countryside,with khmer rouge Doctor Thiounn Thieunn not far from Phnom Penh.The manoeuvres of khmer rouge leaders Pol Pot,


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Bapoun temple originally called Treiphuveakchonamony and later was known as Pounvan and then Poun . The word Treiphuovan mean someone who Poun in English means to hide. is west of the road to the Dei Chhnang and near the Bayon temple .

The temple was built in the 11th century , around 1060, by the king Udayadatiyavarnan II     ( AD 1050 - 1060 ) dedicating to Brahmanism . the highlight of the temple is base relief , which differ from most others as they are vignettes carve in small stone square set one above the other on the temple walls , similar to tilling Unfortunately few of these are visible because of the poor state of the temple .

Bapoun is a single temple-mountain sanctuaries situated on a high base symbolizing Mount Meru . A rectangular sandstone wall measuring 425 by 125 meter encloses the temple . A special feature is the 200 meters long elevated eastern approach supported by three row of short . around columns forming a bride to the main temple .
Originally , a central tower shrine with four porches crowned the peak , but it collapsed long ago . the first , second and third levels are surrounded by concentric sandstone..