Friday, September 18, 2015
3:39 AM 0




The Kbal Spean is a great historic resort is located in the south-west of Phnom Kulen and northeast of Siem Reap town is located about 50 kilometers from Siem Reap town and about 18 kilometers from the Bontay Srey temple.
Spean resort is situated on a mountain height is not much higher, but here are full of statues on the bumpy stone and rock on the bottom of streams (streams). This is the source of the river streams or bamboo. The bamboo river flowing down far into the Siem Reap River and the river. To reach the location, we have to walk on foot hiking takes time for about an hour.
Spean great architectural legacy handiwork Deluxe former King Angkorian Khmer stone sculpture penis-rich embedded style superstition refers to various deities and animals. Something special is that all the sculptures are carved on the bottom and the banks of the river, which can be seen from the clear water. These sculptures Spean stretches along river.
Spean or place is known as the Valley of the penis billion because of all the great sculpture penis a thousand sculptures stand out by being carved in the Kishon River and around Spean. Sculpture above, most have been confirmed built in between the 11th century reign of King Suryavarman 1, under the help of officials under FDA supervision, one of his reconstruction and have already completed the days uty Suryavarman 2 in the 13th century, but also claims that the region has been worshiped already, that is, since prehistory and modern Pre-Angkor.

Because they understand that the water that flows here as a source of prosperity and cold, and the other to be used in agriculture countless carved penis successor Statue north along the Kishon from the upper section of the bridge until natural waterfalls. So the inscriptions Sanskrit, called here for penis 1. In addition, see the image to the vagina as well as steadfastly throne sculptures are scattered in the Kishon length of approximately 200 meters along the shore and on the wall a little. In addition, there are many sculptures in a jurisdiction that has preahneareay central pile antorokab Ocean Brahma emerged from a pink navel preahneareay contact to create a new one.
Water moves through posters and charming sculpture sculpture from all this that creates a stream and broke Spurs bamboo river and Siem Reap River.

In short, the water that flows sevling and above all the ancient sculpture ancient Khmer people considered prodigious ineffectual because they are God's blessing by blessing them, that is, the sacred has become purified. Means the water that falls on the river where people go diving or soak at the bottom that has become magical water ineffectual.


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