Monday, November 23, 2015
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Abu Sayyaf militants ISIS structure in the Philippines?

Abu Sayyaf militants ISIS structure in the Philippines?

Abu Sayyaf militants ISIS structure in the Philippines? ... Abu Sayyaf group who are you? Islamic extremist Abu Sayyaf have been born during the 1990s, resulting from Islamic insurgents 120 000 people living south of the country since the early 1970s. Islamic groups, these have been living in the jungle on the island of remote Jolo and the island of Basilan without having to manage precise and they always use the boat fast to catch people hostage, especially tourists Western and missionary Christianity in various places in the southern Philippines. What is the agenda of the Islamic groups? Abu Sayyaf Islamist group calling themselves as rescuers Muslim communities in Mindanao by the group's leader, last year announced ISIS allied with the Islamic state, which is occupied mostly along the border with Syria and Iraq. The United States and the Islamic group in its list of terrorist organizations. Philippine military and security experts analyzed showed that the group's ideology is hostage for ransom in order to support their team. Why this is increasingly a threat? From 2002 to 2014, 500 US troops have provided training on how intelligence to Philippine troops to hunt senior leaders of the Abu Sayyaf group. Last year, the US has reduced its experts from the Philippines by the United States considers that the Abu Sayyaf group could not afford enough internationally on a large scale. According to Philippine military officials of the group's militants has decreased from 1,000 to 300. As for their living, they can go out on the island of Jolo and Basilan, they get support from the local Muslim community. But these Islamic groups are attracting more members and purchased weapons with money from kidnappings and drug trafficking. Is this harmful? European countries and several embassies in the Philippines are often issued a warning to its citizens to avoid traveling where there is a Muslim community living, especially in the northern Philippines who may be at risk of abduction by the Abu Sayyaf group. Recently abducting two Canadian tourists and resort owners, a Norwegian. If look at the event in 2004, launched an attack in Manila with exclusive 100 lives, Philippines, regarded as one of its worst attacks. Whether there will be a peace agreement between the Philippine government? Philippine President Benigno Aquion last year signed a peace agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the largest guerrilla group also to help make closing a young Muslim youth group. The agreement with the Abu Sayyaf group has not made any yet.

ISIS has declared himself the king Halifax represents Muhammad led the Islamic world ion

Asia Without Borders between Syria and Iraq anymore! Only unification Islamic territories all over the Islamic world under a single flag is the Islamic state! Via voice broadcast system, Internet connection rebels Islamic extremist jihadists "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL / ISIS) announced the establishment of political Islam California Arafat and called on you to respect Islam all follow the new commander Abu broken Alba paper discs (Abou Baker al Baghdadi) of the movement ISIS who call themselves the king of Canaan Halifax representative of the high biomass determined to lead the Muslim world.
July 2014
The head of the Islamic state declared himself the king Halifax instructed the Muslims to respect him. Mr. Abu broken Alba paper, who wear the traditional black, said I was the suitcase (leader) who was appointed to lead you though, I'm not better than you, and if you think I'm saying is please help me if think I'm wrong, please help guide me and help me on track as well. He goes on to say that you respect me as your God.
Fan State?
They jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL / ISIS), which is working fighting in Syria and Iraq, announced the establishment of political Islam California Fan who lost long ago, and resurrected and renamed their organization into an Islamic state.
California Fan will stretch from the city Aleppo, northern Syria, reaching the eastern Iraqi area Diyala through cover took the western and southwestern Iraq namely territories rebels jihadists Syria and the Levant have been fighting for from the Iraqi government in just two weeks in the offensive, a large on June 9, including the areas they controlled in Syria, or say that the other is for the Islamic state no longer exists, and the border Khan into Syria and Iraq.
In Halifax, the dream of all people and the Islamic Jihad's will. With the announcement of creating an Islamic state California Fan this Jihad has brakaukabrakeas called group of Islamic all, whether in the area East of Asia in Europe, but to draw pictures together into battle against the enemy, which is none other than democracy, irrespective of religious nationalism and garbage of skhoe World among others. If we as spokesman for use in the evening.
Who is the new leader of the Islamic State?
Territorial domain, political Canaan Halifax will be managed, led by the main rebel Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (rebel Islamic extremist jihadists ISIS) named Abu broken Alba paper discs California, which from now on for the eyes activist Islam is the king, Islam as a representative of the prophet Mohammed in the exercise led political leaders or, for short, is leader of the Islamic world as a whole. Embedded strange man born in 1971, according to sources, Washington was pronounced dead again in 2005 before appearing again in the network of al-Qaeda in 2010. Commander Tak less direct and in one battle, unlike previous Sperm Hat.
Halifax? The regime has a history before?
Halifax leader Islam can be called the king or California (calife / caliphate) was appointed after the death of the prophet Ho Meng. Caesar Islamic California four first be appointed no successor to continue the prophet uncle Ho parent and celebrities have power noise, loud in between the years 661 to 1517 were previously dissolved gone with the collapse of the empire of the Ottoman in 1924.
The announcement created fascist regime by rebels extremist Islamic Jihad in Iraq and the Levant ISIS is like is to review the boundary line. Border region is now wrote After the dissolution Ottoman Empire highlighted flu Iraq from Syria, a particularly egregious example. Border framework charts the work of the European powers, but now the Islamic state would not recognize and that can not be taken into account.
What is the consequence of the declaration of state of Arafat?
This is a dangerous extremist threat! We can say that the announcement of creation of Islamic state is to celebrate the military victory extremist Islamic insurgents in Iraq and the Levant to be done fast as lightning. With the capture key cities in Iraq and resist forces in Syria ISIS or Islamic state wants to show its influence and want other jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda into a single group. For three reasons: extended territorial control of military and financial power, and on the field of ideology is to create a symbol Halifax. Political principles restore law Charia Islamic law.

According to some researchers regime Halifax announcement is a significant development within the Islamic extremist international jihadists from the terrorism of Sept. 11, 2001. Every network or Islamic extremist groups close to al Qaeda and the jihadist movement must make decisions independent Islamic state support or opposition. This can be considered jihadist open a new era international level, but also can be a dangerous problem for the al-Qaida movement and a leader in this movement. This is another issue, analysts reckon that create an Islamic state declaration Halifax is like advertising attracted Islamic fighters from all over the world, from Morocco to Indonesia or Europe to defend the Islamic world. The world who are suffering the Iraqi army's fightback from the bombing of the Syrian military forces. Is really romantic and calls for combat forces struggle against the enemies of Islam.


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