Saturday, September 12, 2015
4:38 AM 0



The Bayon temple was built by the King Jayavarman VII  in the late 12th and early 13th .the Bayon stands at the center of Jayavarman 's was modified by later Hindo and Theravanda Buddhist kink in accordance with their own religious preferences.

The Bayon was the last state temple to be built at Ankor, and the only Ankorian state temple to be built primarily as a Mayana Buddhist shrine dedicated  to the Buddha,though a great number of miner and local deities were also encompassed as representatives of the various  districts and cities of the realm.
The Bayon's most distinctive feature is the multitude of serene and massive stone faces on the many towers  which just out  from the upper terrace and cluster around its central peak.the temple is known also for two impressive sets of bas-reliefs ,which present an unusual combination of mythological,historical,and mundane.

Since the time Jayavarman VII,the Bayon has suffered numerous addition and alteration at the hands of subsequent monarchs.During the reign Jayavarman VII in the mid-13th century,the khmer empire reverted to Hinddusm and its state temple was altered later centuries,Thervada Buddhism became the dominant religion,leading to still further changes,to the jungle.current features which were not part of original plan include the terrace to the east of temple.

The Bayon temple was built to dedicated Bodhisatta Lokeshvarak that has four faces evidence in the Mahayana Buddhist doctrine. in 1933, Mr Jean Truve   3rd conservation of Ankor in Siem Reap during the 1931 excavation center central temple (big) depth of 14 meters to the ground level plain of the teple land from abroad to study Kenny textiles in Buddha found a broken and has height 3 meters and 60 mm and it is permanently fixed and was gave to the King Sisowath Monivong on 17 may 1935.and was put them in the teple seven apartments along the road to the gate at the south airport that behind the road of Prasat Suor securities.
The temples was built to dedicated the Buddha, they called Peeahputhchey or Puth Marha Neat, its means that simultaneously Buddhist king Jayavrman 7 represents. Overall, the big 4 faces that is located on the top of the temple in the central tower or towers from worship Buddhists Neat is really representing to Lokeshvarak. he is smiles of charm oriented findings  seem to want to wait for hospitality as well as smile beauty are happy to appreciate how marvelous the genius of the architect and of our ancestors,as well.

In the firstof the 20th century,the Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient took the loud in the conservation of the temple,restoring it in accordance with technique of anastylosis. since 1995 the Japan government team for the safeguarding of Ankor(the JSA) has been the main conservatory body,and has held annualsymposia.


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