Saturday, September 12, 2015
4:32 AM 0



The cambodian communist movement emerged from the against French colonization in 1940s .in April 1950, during the first indochina war2,delegat assembled in Khom Pot province and formed the communist-led Unified Issarak  front, nkown as the khmer Issarak. This group  cooperated with Vietnam in struggling against the French.
The front was led by Son Ngoc Minh (A-char Mien) he was a lay official at Unnalaom pagoda.was the front's deputy and Sieu Heng was its secretary.Almost all of the front members were Cambodians who spoke Vietnamese. some of the became members of Indochinese communist Party (icp), which was created in Vietnam Most of the front new members were peasants drawn to the revolutionary cause.
some of these students would later become leaders of the communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) The included Saloth Sar (Pol Pot), Son sen, Khieu Samphan and Leng Sary. These man saw peasant and poor people throughout the world as enslaved and repressed by capitalism and feudalism. they throught a Marxist-Leninist revolution was the only way Cambodia could attain independence and social equality.

In 1951,as fighting against and French intensified in Indochina,the vietnamese communist guided formation of khmer poeple's revolutionary party. The members of its secret Central Committee were:

        . Son Ngoc Minh held the top position
        . Sieu Heng was in charge of military affairs 
        . Tou Samouth (also known as A-char Sok,a former buddhist  monk from Kampuchea              Krom ) took charge of ideological training.
        .Chan Samay was in charge of economic matters.

When the first Indochina war ended in 1954,French forces withdrew from Indochina and Viet Minh combatants withdrew from cambodia.However some Vietnamese military personnel and advisors remained in cambodia. Concerned about the revolution's security when the political system changed,Sieu Heng,Chan Samay and over a thousand KPRP cadres and activists fled to Vietnam,where they joined Son Mgoc Minh and other who had gone there earlier.
Sieu Heng soon returned to cambodia accompanied by Nuon Chea (a members of the IPC who had been trained in Thailand and Vietnam) and other senior cadres. With the party's leader Son Ngoc Minh in Hanoi,the KPRP was run by temporary Central committee.Sieu Heng was secretary and Tou Samouth was his deputy. Noun chea ranked number three and So phim (who become chief of the east Zone during democratic Kampuchea)was the fourth member.The management of the party was in the hands of Vietnamese cadre,Phan Vn Ba,who live in cambodia and claimed that Vietnam should continue to control cambombodia communist movement.

Tou Samout took charge of the organization's activities in Urban areas,assisted by Noun Chea and Salot Sar,who had recently returned from studying in France.the communist in Phnom Penh used Pol Pot as their link to establish a legal party called the people's party this party contested the 1955 national election promised by the Geneva Agreement .it was chaired by Keo Meas, protege of Tou Samouth.

Pol Pot helped to formulate the party statutes and political program. he also made connection with the  democrat party,which would compete with prince Sihaknouk's newly established Sangkum Reastr Niyum (the people's socialist community party)in the 1955 election.PolPot believed that the democratic,who had anti-feu dalist and ant-capitalist tendencies ,would win election and give the communist some political influence.

However,Pol Pot miscalculated badly. the Sangkum Reastr Niyum won all the seats in the national Assembly,while the people's party won only 3%.Sieu Heng soon came to believes that the communist cause in cambodia was hopeless,for early everyone strongly supported by prince Sihaknouk's political program rather then idea of revolution.moreover,some Issrak's movement gave up their resistance and joined with prince Sihaknouk's government.

In 1956,Sieu Heng secretly contacted the prince's Army Chief of staff Lon Nol,who offered him guarantees of safety. In 1959, Sieu Heng defected to the Sihaknouk's government, enabling authorities to pinpoint and arrest many clandestine KPRP cadres.According to Pol  Pot,from 1955 to 1959,about 90% of the KPRP's members were arrested and kill. by the beginning of 1996,only about 800 cadres remained active and only 2 rural party branches were still functioning fully.

         .The east zone with its base in Kamphong cham province (led by So Phim)
         .The southwest zone its base in Takao province (chaired by Chhit Choeun alias Ta                 Mok).

Tou Samoth and Noun Chea continued to run the party activities in Phnom Penh,with assistance from Leng Sary and Son Sen,two other intellectuals educated in France.


The secret KPRK congress was held on the grounds of Phnom penh railroad station on september 28-30, was attended by seven members from the organization's urban branches and fourteen from its rural branches.the congress reorganized the party,set up a new political line,and changed its name to the worker's party of Kampuchea (wpk). Tou Samout became its secretary and Noun Chea its deputy secretary .Pol Pot ranked number three at the time.and became second deputy secretary in 1961.

After Tou Samouth disappeared in 1962,the party held an emergency congress in february 1963. it elected Pol Pot as secretary .Noun Chea,who had a higher position in the party,was not chosen as secretary because he was related by marriage to the defector Sieu Heng , Noun Chea , moreover,was loyal communist who wanted the WPK to be strong,so he don't completed with Pol Pot for the position.He remained deputy secretary and a powerful figure in the communist movement for over thirty years.

Soon after being named party secretary , Pol Pot took refuge at a Vietnamese military base in northeast part of the country call  "Office 100".In 1965,He walked up the Ho Chi Minh Trail to Hanoi for talks with the north Vietnamese,he also visited  China and North Korea. Pol Pot was treated more cordially in China then in Vietnam and resented the idea that his party had to continue to be subservient to Vietnam.


In septeber 1966, after coming home,Pol Pot changed the party's name to the communist party of Kampuchea (CPK) because he wanted to lessen Vietnamese influence and strengthen relation with china.the central committee at this time consisted of Pol Pot.Noun Chea ,Leng Sary ,Vorn Vet (a former teacher at Chorouen Vichea high school in Phnom penh) and Son Sen.

during the late 1960s,the CPK (whom prince Sihanouk had dubbed the khmer Rouge) gained more new members ,many of them lived along the Vietnamese border in remote areas out of the each of the prince's armed forces,the party headquarters from 1966 to 1970 was in Ratanakiri province.

In march 1970 marshal LonNol and his pro-american associates staged a succesful coup to depose prince Sihanouk as head of state.soon after the Viet Minh and khmer Rouge gained control over much of the country.Ten of thousand of people refused to support the American backed government -Lon Nol's khmer republic and joined the khmer Rouge to help restore  prince Sihanouk to power. at this time prince Sihanouk went in to exile in china.with the encouragement and support of china, north Vietnam and the CPK he formed a national United front Kampuchea and a government in exile called the Royal Government of the national Union of Kampuchea.members of CPK were member of this government.

these development created opportunities for the khmer Rouge.North Vietnam and china supported them,and princes Sihanouk appealed to the Cambodian people to run into marquis (forest) to help overthrow the Lon Nol government and the heavy bombing of communist supply lines and base khmer republic government ,assistance from the US, created more support for the khmer Rouge ,who armed forces were increasing in number.

Vietnamese communist forces moved deep into cambodia in 1970 and work with the khmer Rouge to recrut and train soldiers for insurgent army,which grew from about 3000 soldiers in 1970 to over 400000 in 1973.the vietnamese withdrew from cambodia and turned the major responsibilities for the war over to the CPK,Although several thousand vietnamese remained behind as technical advisors .

from january to August 1973, the khmer republic government, with assistance from US, dropped about half a million tone of bombs on cambodia.which may have kill as 300000 peoples.bombing postponed  the khmer Rouge victory ,while many who resented the bombings or had lost family members joined their revolution.

Khmer Rouge soldiers were more active and diciplined then those of the khmer republic government,and they were able to withstand shortages of food and medicine.Moreover, some " Khmer-Hanoi" returned to cambodia to assist the khmer Rouge these man and woman were given junior position through the country ,but by 1973 after most of the vietnamese advisore had returned home,they were secretly assassinated under order from the CPK leadership,who wanted the party to be free of vietnamese influence.
by early 1973 about 85% of cambodian territory was in the hand of the khmer Rouge, and the Lon Nol army was almost unable to go on the offensive .However,with US was able to continue fighting the khmer Rouge for two more years.


In Jannuary  1975  , The khmer Rouge who have occupied the region of Ankor since 1971  are beginning their war march toward Phnom Penh the capital of cambodia. 
In February 1975 the victory of the Khmer Rouges in  the Khom Pong Thom province and Khom Pong Cham province,between the road of Siem Reap-Ankor to Phnom Penh. 
Khiev Samphan, vice- prime minister and minister de la defence  national Khmer Rouge. 
In march 1975 , the Khmer Rouges have other victories. The river connection between Phnom Penh and south Vietnam has been cut off. The ships sailing under the Khmer Republic's or its allies flags have been sunken and burned.

The first  week of  April 1975 , Armies of Khmer Rouge, including women fighting in their ranks , are progressing irresistibly toward Phnom Penh. The leaders of Pol Pot's Saloth Sar , Keiv Samphon , and Noun Chea, are control to fighting.A khmer rouge surgical operation in the middle of the countryside,with khmer rouge Doctor Thiounn Thieunn not far from Phnom Penh.The manoeuvres of khmer rouge leaders Pol Pot,




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